Sunday, July 4, 2010

in all the trials of my life i know he is thr for me "GOD"

in all the trials ive been thru in my whole life and in the future....i know..i feel..i believe...i have faith....he is thr for me....GOD thank u for loving me and u never ever leave me since the day i filled with pain,burdens,loneliness,trouble,madness,......u still never gave me sign that i need to down and break......u always gave me a little sign that i need to be faith in you,pray to you.....GOD,Thank u for my best family who always thr for me when those times i run out of no one to lean on,thank u for my family we did not much but we have each other....thank u for my little angels blessed with a wonderful beautiful children who gave me the courage to live in this world struggle and fight to survive,thank u to have a selected friends who always remember me as being me,thank u GOD for the lists of my experiences that lead me to become a better person,but GOD the gratefulness that here from my heart and was a blessed and i know i am lucky to have this person..i am lucky to have this man who loves me and accept me with all of his heart without any doubt and any questions...the person who i dream to be together and hold him through eternal ife my one and only jeffrey spilka (special mention lol...)in my life.....all of this i need to say GOD I believe and thank u for loving me..........................

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