Monday, July 5, 2010


i meet jeffrey allen spilka in cb last march1,2010.....i register in a site for almost 3weeks ago...i have lots of emails some of american guys but difinitely they never catch my heart...jeff register for the first time in that site as he told was march1 i read all my emails and i read jeffs email he gave me his ym id for chat and i quickly add him in my yahoo.......we have lots of wonderful talks..about his life about my life....we have so many things in common..each day we talked we feel inlove with our loving words..we grow more and more love for each other....i never expect jeff decide to marry me and i feel so blessed and happy coz 1 thing i ever dream is to have a wonderful marriages life to the man i ever dream and i know its jeffs perfect love..................for me he is the best man i ever meet,he is the best dad,the best person,the best husband in the world for me.....

ANGELS from heaven......

i never thought how is the feelings when u became a mother in this world.....when this angels quickly fly into my world.....thy are my inspirations,thy are my air,thy are my strength.....each of my child are have different character.....PATRICK my oldest are the happy eyes but quickly teard eyes,he is a kind of a lazy child...he is my lazy angel but he made me smile and laugh if i find him cute of the way he second son is ANJELU he had a tantrums and he is a cute little boy,he obey u a lot,what he want wht he little angel TRISHA..for me she is a talented smart talkative sweet adorable baby for me she loves singing,she loves dancing,she can easily memorize words,i find her very cute and loving child to me..............
i always pray all of them will have a wonderful future,happy life,and they grow loving to thr family,friendly,love thr country,and have a brighter future if im gone in this all of u anak this is my message.....MOM AND UR DAD JEFF LOVE U ALL SO MUCH.....AND WILL DO EVERYTHING TO ALL OF U TO HAVE A GOOD LIFE AND A HAPPY LIFE...TOGETHER WITH ALL MY PRAYERS....

who is me of being me.....

one of the blooming child start her sunshine when she was born in this world....continues to start the lives of her family,friends,closefriends,bestfriend,neighbors,relatives,her beautiful childrens,and touch the heart and lives with a special man in her life now...for her family find her as little stubborn child,unique,friendly,and good heart.............
hello world! hello my philippines!hello my san carlos city hometown!...............i would love to share my life make evrybody learned a lot from me....i am just an extra ordinary woman but i do believe that thru all my experiences in lives u find me a unique woman on earth that i can be a weakest to strongest woman...........because i do believe and faith in GOD...................i do believe in the name of love...i do believe in a family pray together will stay forever....i do believe that anyone feel free to dreams....i believe in prayers..i believe in friendship.......and i believe this thoughts...I've spent most my life in pain not knowing what was going to happen next - just that I was going to keep trying no matter what."

Sunday, July 4, 2010

in all the trials of my life i know he is thr for me "GOD"

in all the trials ive been thru in my whole life and in the future....i know..i feel..i believe...i have faith....he is thr for me....GOD thank u for loving me and u never ever leave me since the day i filled with pain,burdens,loneliness,trouble,madness,......u still never gave me sign that i need to down and break......u always gave me a little sign that i need to be faith in you,pray to you.....GOD,Thank u for my best family who always thr for me when those times i run out of no one to lean on,thank u for my family we did not much but we have each other....thank u for my little angels blessed with a wonderful beautiful children who gave me the courage to live in this world struggle and fight to survive,thank u to have a selected friends who always remember me as being me,thank u GOD for the lists of my experiences that lead me to become a better person,but GOD the gratefulness that here from my heart and was a blessed and i know i am lucky to have this person..i am lucky to have this man who loves me and accept me with all of his heart without any doubt and any questions...the person who i dream to be together and hold him through eternal ife my one and only jeffrey spilka (special mention lol...)in my life.....all of this i need to say GOD I believe and thank u for loving me..........................